| 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 |
| 1999 | 1998 | 1997 | 1996 | 1995 | 1994 | 1993 | 1992 | 1991 | 1990 |
| 1989 | 1988 | 1987 | 1986 | 1985 | 1984 | 1983 |
- Chikada, Y., Kawaguchi, N., Inoue, M., Morimoto, M., Kobayashi, H., Mattori, S., Nishimura, T., Hirabayashi, H., Okumura, S., Kuji, S., Sato, K., Asari, K., Sasao, T., and Kiuchi, H.: The VSOP Correlator, Proc. of the International VSOP Symposium, "Frontiers of VLBI," eds. H. Hirabayashi, M. Inoue, and H. Kobayashi, 79-84, 1991.
- Deguchi, S., and Nguyen-Q-Rieu.: Molecular in Evolved Stars, Annales de Physique, France, 16, 413, 1991.
- Handa, T., Sofue, Y., and Nakai, N.: The Molecular Bar and Arm of the Barred-spiral Galaxy M83, Proc. of the IAU Symp. 146, "Dynamics of Galaxies and their Molecular Cloud Distributions", eds. F. Combes and F. Casoli, Kluwer Acad. Pub. : Dordrecht, 156-158, 1991.
- Hayashi, M., Hasegawa, T., Ohashi, N., Sunada, K., Kawabe, R., and Fukui, Y.: Formation and Dispersal of Molecular Cloud Cores, Third Haystack Observatory Conference, "Atoms, Ions, and Molecules : New Results from Spectral Line Astrophysics", eds. A. D. Haschick and P. T. P. Ho, ASP Conf. Ser. 16, 223-232, 1991.
- Hirano, N., Kameya, O., Kasuga, T., Hasegawa, T., Hayashi, S. S., and Umemoto, T.: Structure and Physical Properties of the Molecular Outflow in B335, Proc. of the 7th Manchester Astronomical Conference on Molecular Cloud, eds. R. A. James and T. J. Millar (Cambridge University Press), 115-118, 1991.
- Inoue, M.: Japanese Ground Telescopes, Proc. of the International VSOP Symposium, "Frontiers of VLBI," eds. H. Hirabayashi, M. Inoue, and H. Kobayashi, 71-74, 1991.
- Inoue, M.: A Proposal of mm-VLBI Monitoring, Proc. of the mm-VLBI Workshop, "Frontiers of VLBI," eds. H. Hirabayashi, M. Inoue, and H. Kobayashi, 337-339, 1991.
- Irvine, W. M., Hjalmarson, Å, and Ohishi, M.: Some Recent Developments in Interstellar Chemistry, Proc. of Bioastronomy, "The Exploration Broadens", eds. J. Heidmann and M. J. Klein, Springer-Verlag, 71, 1991.
- Ishiguro, M.: The Nobeyama Millimeter Array and its Future Plan, Proc. of the 3rd Haystack Symposium "Skyline" on "Atoms, Ions, and Molecules: New Results in Spectral Line Astrophysics", ed. D. Haschick, ASP Conf. Ser. 16, 421-422, 1991.
- Ishiguro, M., Morita, K. -I., and Ishiguro, M.: Application of an Estimator-Free Information Criterion (WIC) to Aperture Synthesis Imaging, Proc. of the IAU Colloq. 131, "Radio Interferometry: Theory, Techniques and Applications", eds. T. J. Cornwell and R. A. Perley, ASP Conf. Ser. 19, 243-247, 1991.
- Ishiguro, M., Ukita, N., and Shibata, K. M.: Radio Holography Measurements of the Nobeyama 45-m Telescope, Proc. of the International Workshop on "THE HOLOGRAPHY TESTING OF LARGE RADIO TELESCOPES", 34-39, LENINGRAD "NAUKA", 1991.
- Ishizuki, S., Kawabe, R., Ishiguro, M., Okumura, S. K., Morita, K. -I., Chikada, Y., Kasuga, T., and Wricht, M. C. H.: High Resolution 12CO and 13CO Images of the Central Region of IC342, Proc. of the IAU Symp. 146, "Dynamics of galaxies and their molecular cloud distributions", eds. F. Conbes and F. Casoli, (Kluwer), 272-273, 1991.
- Kameya, O., Hirano, N., Kawabe, R., and Campbell, B.: Detailed Structure of the NGC 7538 Molecular Cloud, 7th Manchester Astronomical Conference " Molecular Clouds", eds James, R. A., and Millar T. J., (Cambridge U.P.), 111-114, 1991.
- Kawabe, R., Ishiguro, M., Okumura, S. K., Kasuga, T., Morita, K. -I., and Tosaki, T.: Molecular Gas and Triggers of Star Formation in Galaxies : Spiral Arms, Bars, and Mergers, Proc. of the 3rd Haystack Symposium "Skylines" on "Atmos, Ions, and Molecules: New Results in Spectral Line Astrophysics", ed. D. Haschick and T. P. Ho, ASP Conf. Ser. 19, 19-27, 1991.
- Kawabe, R., Ishiguro, M., Ishizuki, S., Okumura, S. K., and Tosaki, T.: Recent Results of CO Observations of IC 342, NGC 6946, Maffei 2, and M51 with NMA, Proc. of the IAU Symp. 146, "Dynamics of Galaxies and Their Molecular Cloud", eds. F. Combes and F. Casoli, 160-163, 1991.
- Kawaguchi, N.: Burst Sampling Observations under Atmospheric Turbulence in mm-VLBI, Proc. of the mm-VLBI Workshop, "Frontiers of VLBI", eds. H. Hirabayashi, M. Inoue, and H. Kobayashi, 269-275, 1991.
- Kawaguchi, N.: A Communication Link for VSOP, Proc. of the Inte. VSOP Symp., "Frontiers of VLBI", eds. H. Hirabayashi, M. Inoue, and H. Kobayashi, 51-57, 1991.
- Kawaguchi, N.: VLBI Recording System in Japan, Proc. of the Inte. VSOP Symp., "Frontiers of VLBI", eds. H. Hirabayashi, M. Inoue, and H. Kobayashi, 75-77, 1991.
- Kawaguchi, N.: Vertical Change of VLBI Station Positions, Proc. of the Symp. on the Present State and the Future in the Study of Geoid, p.p.109-114, March 1991.
- Kawara, K., Taniguchi, Y., Nakai, N., and Sofue, Y.: CO Emission from the Infrared Galaxy NGC4418, Proc. of the IAU Symp. 146, "Dynamics of Galaxies and Their Molecular Cloud Distributions", eds. F. Combes and F. Casoli, (Kluwer), 450, 1991.
- Morimoto, M.: Observing Program of VSOP, Proc. of the Inte. VSOP Symp., "Frontiers of VLBI", eds. H. Hirabayashi, M. Inoue, and H. Kobayashi, 231-232, 1991.
- Morita, K. -I.: The Bi-spectrum Analysis Technique in Millimeter Interferometry, Proc. of the IAU Colloq. 131, "Radio Interferometry: Theory, Techniques and Applications", eds. T. J. Cornwell and R. A. Perley, ASP Conf. Ser. 19, 197-201, 1991.
- Morita, K. -I., Takahashi, T., Iwashita, H., and Kanzawa, T.: A Control System of the Nobeyama Millimeter Array, Proc. of the Inte. Conf. on Accelerator and Large Experimental Physics Control Systems, Japan, 214-217, 1991.
- Murata, Y., Kawabe, R., Ishiguro, M., Hasegawa, and Hayashi, M.: Aperture Synthesis Observations of Orion-KL in CS Lines and Continuum, Proc. of the IAU Symp. 147, "Fragmentation of Molecular Clouds and Star Formation", ed. E. Falgaron, 357-360, 1991.
- Nakai, N., Kuno, N., Handa, T., and Sofue, Y.: Massive Star Formation in Spiral Arms and Interarms, Proc. of the IAU Symp. 146, "Dynamics of Galaxies and Their Molecular Cloud Distributions", eds. F. Conbes and F. Casoli, 63-65, 1991.
- Nakano, T.: Distribution of Dust in the Disk around Beta Pictoris, Proc. of the IAU Colloq. 126, "Origin and Evolution of Interplanetary Dust", ed. A. Levasseur-Regound, 421, 1991.
- Nakano, T.: Loss of Magnetic Flux and Angular Momentum from Molecular Clouds, Proc. of the IAU Symp. 147, "Fragmentation of Molecular Clouds and Star Formation", ed. E. Falgaron, (Kluwer), 67, 1991.
- Ohashi, N., Kawabe, R., Hayashi, M., and Ishiguro, M.: Aperture Synthesis CS and 98 GHz Continuum Observations of Protostellar IRAS Sources in Taurus, Proc. of the IAU Symp. 147, "Fragmentation of Molecular Clouds and Star Formation", ed. E. Falgaron, (Kluwer), 353-356, 1991.
- Ohishi, M., Kawaguchi, K., Kaifu, N., Irvine, W. M., Minh, Y. C., Yamamoto, S., and Saito, S.: The Ortho to Para Ratio for Ketene in TMC-1, Proc. of "Atoms, Ions, and Molecules : New Results in Spectral Line Astrophysics", eds. A. D.Haschick and P. T. P Ho, 387, 1991.
- Okayasu, R., Tabara, H., Inoue, M., Kato, T., Kawai, N., Brinkmann, W., and Fink, H. H.: High Frequency Radio Observations of X-Ray Luminous Blazers in December 1990, Proc. of Yamada Conference XXVIII, "Frontiers of X-Ray Astronomy", 1991.
- Okumura, S. K., Kawabe, R., Ishiguro, M., Kasuga, T., Morita, K. -I., and Ishizuki, S.: Aperture Synthesis CO Observations of IR Luminous Galaxies with LIR>1011 Lo, Proc. of the IAU Symp. 146, "Dynamics of Galaxies and Their Molecular Cloud Distributions", eds. F. Combes and F. Casoli, (Kluwer), 425-426, 1991.
- Saito, S.: Laboratory and Astronomical Spectroscopy of New Interstellar Molecules, Proc. of the 3rd Haystack Observatory Conf., "Atomic, Ions, and Molecules: New Results in Spectral Line Astrophysics", eds. A. D. Hachick and P. T. P. Ho, ASP Conf. Ser. 16, 349-361, 1991.
- Sakai, K., Inatani, J., Kobayashi, H., Ono, M., Kodaira, S., and Yoshida, K.: Submillimeter Wave Superconducting Flux-Flow Oscillator, 16th Int. Conf. on Infrared and Millimeter Waves, Conference Digest, 391, 1991.
- Sofue, Y., Nakai, N., Handa, T., Golla, G., Reuter, H.-P., and Wielebinski, R.: Slow Rotation of Gas in the Halos of Edge-on Galaxies M82 and NGC 4631, Proc. of the AU Symp. 144, "Interstellar Disk-Halo Connection in Galaxies", ed. H. Bloemen, 307-308, 1991.
- Sofue, Y., Handa, T., Golla, G., and Wielebinski, R.: CO(J=2-1) Observations of the Edge-On Galaxy NGC4631, Proc. of the IAU Symp. 146, "Dynamics of Galaxies and Their Molecular Cloud Distributions", eds. F. Combes and F. Casoli, (Kluwer), 287, 1991.
- Sofue, Y.: Molecular Gas in the Central Regions of Galaxies, Proc. of the IAU Symp. 146, "Dynamics of Galaxies and Their Molecular Cloud Distributions", eds. F. Combes and F. Casoli, (Kluwer), 329-330, 1991.
- Sofue, Y., Wakamatsu, K., Taniguchi, Y., Nakai, N., and Handa, T.: CO Observations of Arp's Interacting Galaxies, Proc. of IAU Symp. 148, "The Magellanic Clouds", eds. Raymond Haynes and Douglas Milne, 485, 1991.
- Taniguchi, Y., Nakai, N., and Kameya, O.: Molecular Gas in Galactic Nuclei: Starburst vs. Seyfert Galaxies, Proc. of the IAU Symp. 146, "Dynamics of Galaxies and Their Molecular Cloud Distributions", eds. F. Combes and F. Casoli, (Kluwer), 328, 1991.
- Tatematsu, K., and Umemoto, T.: Molecular Cloud Cores in the Orion A Cloud, Proc. of the Workshop on "Young Star Clusters and Early Stellar Evolution", Mem. Soc. Astron. Italy, 62, 813-821, 1991.
- Tosaki, T., Kawabe, R., Ishiguro, M., Okumura, S. K., Morita, K. -I., Kasuga, T., and Ishizuki, S.: Aperture Synthesis CO Observations of M51 with the Nobeyama Millimeter Array(NMA), Proc. of the IAU Symp. 146, "Dynamics of Galaxies and Their Molecular Cloud Distributions", eds. F. Combes and F. Casoli, (Kluwer) p.79, 1991.
- Yamamoto, M., Watazawa, K., Inatani, J., and Sakamoto, A.: Radiation Pattern of Equiangular Spiral Antenna Measured at Short Millimeter Waves, 16th Int. Conf. on "Infrared and Millimeter Waves", Conference Digest, 509, 1991.