野辺山太陽電波観測所 野辺山宇宙電波観測所 国立天文台 アルマ計画

| 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 |
| 1999 | 1998 | 1997 | 1996 | 1995 | 1994 | 1993 | 1992 | 1991 | 1990 |
| 1989 | 1988 | 1987 | 1986 | 1985 | 1984 | 1983 |


  • Deguchi, S., and Watson, W. D.: OH Maser Polarization, Lecture Notes in Physics 412 "Astrophysical Masers", eds. A. W. Clegg and G. E. Nedoluha, P29, 1993.
  • Inoue, M.: Space VLBI Project VSOP, Proc. of the Nuffield Radio Astron. Lab. Conf., "Sub-Arcsencon Radio Astronomy", eds. R. J. Davis and R. S. Booth, 434-436, 1993.
  • Izumiura, H., Ono, T., Yamamura, I., Okumura, K., Onaka, T., Deguchi, S., Ukita, N., Hashimoto, O., and Nakada, Y.: SiO Maser Survey of the Bulge IRAS Sources, Proc. of the IAU Symp. 153, "Galactic Bulges", eds. H. Dejonghe and H. J. Habing, (Kluwer Acad. Pub.), 303-308, 1993.
  • Kameno, S., Inoue, M., Takaba, H., Nan, R., and Schilizzi, R. T.: Core Activities of Compact Steep-Spectrum Radio Sources, Proc. of the Nuffield Radio Astron. Lab. Conf., Sub-Arcsecond Radio Astronomy", eds. R. J. Davis and R. S. Booth, 227-228, 1993.
  • Morita, K. -I., and Takahashi, T.: Upgrading the Telescope Control System of the Nobeyama Radio Observatory, Proc. of the Int. Conf. on Accelerator and Large Experimental Physics Control Systems, Germany, 1993.
  • Nakano, T.: Protoplanetary Disks: Theory and Observation by Millimeter and Sub-Millimeter Arrays, Proc. of the Second Northeast-Asian Regional Meeting "Recent Development in Millimeter-wave and Infrared Astronomy", S. H. Cho and H. S. Chung ed., 219-224, 1993.
  • Nakano, T., Nakamura, T., Terasawa, T., and Sano, Y.: Evolution of Magnetized Dense Clouds, The Primitive Solar Nebula and Origin of Planets, ed. H. Oya, 1-23, 1993.
  • Shibata, K. M., Deguchi, S., Kasuga, T., Tamura, S., Hirano, N., and Kameya, O.: High Resolution Observations of CO in PNe, Proc. of the IAU Symp. 155, "Planetary Nebulae", eds. R. Weinberger and A. Acker, 225, 1993.
  • Yang, J., Ohashi, N., and Fukui, Y.: Circumstellar Structure of the Young Stellar Object in L1287, Proc. of the 2nd Northeast-Asian Regional Meeting on Recent Development in Millimeter-Wave and Infrared Astronomy, Daejon, Korea Astronomy Observatory, eds. Cho, S.H. and Chung, H.S., 147-150, 1993.

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