Authors |
TiTle |
Journal |
Ao, Y., Yang, J. Sunada, K., and Tatematsu, K.: |
CS J=2-1 Observations towards Massive Dense Cores, |
Proc. of the IAU Symp. 231, "Astrochemistry: Recent Successes and Current Challenges," eds. Dariusz C. Lis, Geoffrey A. Blake & Eric Herbst, poster sessions., 163, 2006. |
Egusa, F., Sofue, Y., and Nakanishi, H.: |
Determination of Star Formation Timescale and Pattern Speed of Spiral Galaxies, |
International Astronomical Union XXVIth General Assembly, Pragua, 14-25 August, 2006, abstract book, 123 (S237-106 Poster), 2006. (IAUS 237) no |
Ezawa, H., and the ASTE team: |
Progress and Current Status of the Atacama Submillimeter Telescope Experiment (ASTE), |
Proc. of the 9th Asian-Pacific Regional IAU Meeting, 278-279, Ed. W. Sutantyo, P.W. Premadi, P. Mahasena, T. Hidayat and S. Mineshige, Institut Teknologi Bandung Press, 2006. |
Handa, T., Sakano, M., Naito, S., Hiramatsu, M., and Tsuboi, M.: |
An Extremely Large Density Cloud G0.11-0.11 in the Galactic Center Region, |
J. Physics: Conf. Ser., 54, 47-51, 2006. |
Haupt, C., Stramek, R., and Morita, K.-I.: |
System Engineering in the ALMA Project, |
Proc. of the SPIE, 6271, 62710E, 2006. |
Hirabayashi, H., Murata, Y., Edward, P. G., Asaki, Y., Mochizuki, N., Inoue, M., Umemoto, T., Kameno, S., Gurvits, L. I., and Lobanov, A. P.: |
Design of the Near-term Next Generation Space-VLBI Mission VSOP-2, |
ESO Astrophysics Symposia, "Exploring the Cosmic Frontier: Astrophysical Instruments for the 21st Century", eds. A. P. Labonov, J. A. Zensus, C. Cesarsky, and P. J. Diamond, 37-38, 2006. |
Imai, H., van Langevelde, H. J., and Umemoto, Y.: |
Water Masers in the Star Forming Region in L1287, |
Proc. of the 8th symposium of the European VLBI Network, eds. Baan Willia, et al, 76-78, 2006. |
Ita, Y., Deguchi, S., Matasunaga, N., and Fukushi, H.: |
Search for SiO Masers in Nearby Miras Pulsating in the First Overtone Mode, |
Proc. of the conference "Stellar Pulsation and Evolution", eds. A. R. Walker and G. Bono, Mem. Soc. Astr. It., 77, 85-88, 2006. |
Komugi, S., Sofue, Y., Kohno, K., Nakanishi, H., Onodera, S., Egusa, F., Tosaki, T., Muraoka, K., and Young, J.: |
CO(J=1-0) and CO(J=3-2) Survey of Nearby Galactic Centers: The Schmidt Law as a Function of Galactic Properties, |
International Astronomical Union XXVIth General Assembly, Pragua, 14-25 August, 2006, abstract book, 133-134 (S237-149 Poster), 2006. (IAUS 237) no |
Kotani, T., Kubota, K., Namiki, M., Kawai, N., Ueda, Y., Trushkin, S., Fabrika, S., Afanasiev, V., Abolmasov, P., Kinugasa, K., Nagata, T., Irsmambetova, Tsukagoshi, T., Nakanishi, K., Tsuboi, M., Ozaki, S., Yanagisawa, K., Nishiyama, S., Shimokawabe, T., Yatsu, Y., Ishimura, T., and Fujisawa, K.: |
The Observation Campaign of SS 433 in April 2006, |
Proc. of the VI Microwave Workshop: Microquasars and Beyond, September 18-22, 2006, Como, Italy, p. 50.1. |
Miyazaki, A., Shen, Z.-Q., Miyoshi, M., Tsuboi, M., and Tsutsumi, T.: |
Flux Monitoring of Sagittarius A* at MM-Wavelengths, |
J. Physics: Conf. Ser., 54, 363-369, 2006. |
Miyazaki, A., Shen, Z.-Q., Miyoshi, M., Tsutsumi, T., and Tsuboi, M.: |
Flux Variations of Sagittarius A* at Short Millimeter Wavelengths, |
36th COSPAR Scientific Assembly, Beijing, held 16-23 July 2006, in Beijing China. Meeting abstract from the CDROM, #2161, 2006. |
Oka, T., Nagai, M., Kamegai, K., and Tanaka, K.: |
A Large-Scale CO J=3-2 Survey of the Galactic Center, |
J. Physics: Conf. Ser., 54, 67-71, 2006. |
Sagawa, H., Kitamura, Y., Hashimoto, G. L., Imamura, T., and Nakamura, M.: |
Millimeter Interferometric Observations of the Venusian Atmosphere with Nobeyama Millimeter Array, |
36th COSPAR Scientific Assembly, Beijing, held 16-23 July 2006, in Beijing China. Meeting abstract from the CDROM, #2179, 2006. |
Sunada, K., Hongo, S., Ikeda, N., and Kitamura, Y.: |
A Giant Molecular Outflow Triggered the Formation of the High Mass Dense Clumps in the NGC 7538 Region, |
International Astronomical Union XXVIth General Assembly, Pragua, 14-25 August, 2006, abstract book, 148 (S237-217 Poster), 2006. (IAUS 237) no |
Takano, S.: |
Molecular Abundances in Galaxies, |
ASTROCHEMISTRY: From Laboratory Studies to Astronomical Observations, AIP Conf. Proc., 855, 170-175, 2006. |
Takano, S., Nakai, N., Kawaguchi, K., Takano, T., Schilke, P., and Winnewisser, G.: |
Systematically Peculiar Molecular Composition in M 82: Regarding the Formation Mechanisms, |
Highlights of Astronomy, vol. 13 : As Presented at the XXVth General Assembly of the IAU, JD21, 875-878, 2006. |
Tosaki, T., Nakanishi, K., Tsuboi, M., Trushkin, S., Kameya, O., Fujisawa, K., Kotani, T., and Kawai, N.: |
Cyg X-3 is in the Active State, |
The Astronomer's Telegram, 952, 2006. |
Tsuboi, M., Okumura, S. K., and Miyazaki, A.: |
Interaction between the SNR Sagittarius A East and the 50-km S-1 Molecular Cloud, |
J. Physics: Conf. Ser., 54, 16-21, 2006. |
Tsuboi, M., Kuno, N., Umemoto, T., Sawada, T., Nakanishi, K., Tosaki, T., Kurono, Y., Fujisawa, K., Japanese VLBI Network Team, Trushkin, S., Kotani, T., and Kawai, N.: |
A Radio Flare from Cyg X-3, |
The Astronomer's Telegram, 727, 2006. |
Tsuboi, M., Ezawa, H., Matsuo, H., Ota, N., Kuwabara, T., Kasuga, T., and Nobeyama SZ effect observation team: |
High-Resolution Observations of Sunyaev-Zel'dovich Effect with the Nobeyama Radio Observatory 45-m Telescope, |
Proc. of the 9th Asian-Pacific Regional IAU Meeting, Ed. W. Sutantyo, P.W. Premadi, P. Mahasena, T. Hidayat and S. Mineshige, Institut Teknologi Bandung Press, 243-244, 2006. |
Winnberg, A., Deguchi, S., Habing, H. J., Nakashima, J., Olofsson, H., and Reid, M. J.: |
Circumstellar CO in OH/IR Stars Close to the Galactic Centre, |
J. Physics: Conf. Ser., 54, 166-170, 2006. |