| 2011 | 2010 |
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| 1999 | 1998 | 1997 | 1996 | 1995 | 1994 | 1993 | 1992 | 1991 | 1990 |
| 1989 | 1988 | 1987 | 1986 | 1985 | 1984 | 1983 |


Authors TiTle Journal
Deguchi, S., Matsunaga, N., Takahashi, S., Kuno, N., and Nakashima, J.: Dying SiO Maser in the V407 Cyg System, Atel, #2519, 2010.
Friesen, R., Di, F., Shirley, Y., Myers, P. C., Shimajiri, Y., Takakuwa, S., Belloche, A., Andre, P., and Bourke, T.: Probing the Initial Conditions of Star Formation: Dense Gas in the Ophiuchus Molecular Cloud, American Astron. Soc., AAS Meeting #215, #414.20, 2010.
Hatsukade, B., Kohno, K., Aretxaga, I., Austermann, J. E., Ezawa, H., Hughes, D. H., Ikarashi, S., Iono, D., Kawabe, R., Matsuo, H., Nakanishi, K., Oshima, T., Perera, T., Scott, K. S., Shirahata, M., Takeuchi, T. T., Tamura, Y., Tanaka, K., Tosaki, T., Wilson, G. W., and Yun, M. S.: AzTEC/ASTE 1.1 mm Deep Survey: Number Counts and Clustering of Millimeter-Bright Galaxies, AIP Conf. Proc., 1279, 324-326, 2010.
Hatsukade, B., Kohno, K., Tamura, Y., Nakanishi, K., Iono, D., Wilson, G. W. Yun, M. S., Hughes, D. H., Matsuura, S., Shirahata, M., Takeuchi, T. T., Scott, K. S., Austermann, J. E., Perera, T., Aretxaga, I., Tanaka, K., Tosaki, T., Matsuo, H., Ezawa, H., Kawabe, R., and ADF-S team: AzTEC/ASTE 1.1-mm Survey of the AKARI Deep Field-South, Proc. of the "AKARI, a light to illuminate the misty universe", eds. T. Onaka, G. J. White, T. Nakagawa, and I. Yamamura, ASP Conf. Ser. 418, 307-312, 2010.
Ikeda, N., Kitamura, Y., Yoshida, A., Tatei, H., Onodera, S., and Momose, R.: FAZZ, a FITS Cube/Image Browsing and Analyzing Too in IDL, Proc. of the "Astronomical data analysis software and systems XIX", eds. Y. Mizumoto, K.-I. Morita, and M. Ohishi, ASP Conf. ser., 434, 297-300, 2010.
Kaneko, H., Kuno, N., Iono, D., Tosaki, T., Sawada, T., Nakanishi, H., and Hirota, A.: Molecular Gas in the Early Stage of Interacting Galaxies: The NGC 4567/8 Pair, Proc. of the "Galaxy Wars: Star Formation and Stellar Populations in Interacting Galaxies", eds. B. J. Smith, N. Bastian, S. J. U. Higdon, and J. L. Higdon, ASP Conf. Ser. 423, 26-31, 2010.
Kuno, N., Tosaki, T., Onodera, S., Muraoka, K., Kaneko, H., Sawada, T., Nakanishi, K., Komugi, S., Tamura, Y., Kohno, K., Kawabe, R., Arimoto, N., and Okamoto, S.: NRO Legacy Project: Survey of Giant Molecular Clouds in M33, Highlights of Astronomy, 15 : XXVIIth IAU General Assembly, August 2009, ed. Ian F. Corbett, 416-416, 2010.
Levshakov, S. A., Molaro, P., Kozlov, M. G., Lapinov, A. V., Henkel, C., Reimers, D., Sakai, T., and Agafonova, I. I.: Search for Chameleon-Like Scalar Fields, JENAM 2010, Joint European and National Astronomy Meeting held 6-10 September, 2010 in Lisbon Portugal., p.68, 2010.
Lisenfeld, U., Espada, D., Leon, S., Lerdes-Montenegro, L., Kuno, N., and Sato, N.: Molecular Gas Properties in the Most Isolated Galaxies, Proc. of the "Galaxies in Isolation: Exploring Nature Versus Nurture", eds. Verdes-Montenegro, L., del Olmo, A., Sulentic, J. W., ASP Conf. Ser., 421, 262, 2010.
Liu, G., Calzetti, D., Yun, M. S., Wilson, G. W., Draine, B. T., Scott, K., Austermann, J., Perera, T., Hughes, D., Aretxaga, I., Kohno, K., Kawabe, R., and Ezawa, H.: From Near-Infrared to Millimeter: An Investigation of the Content in the NGC 1512/1510 Pair, American Astron. Soc., AAS Meeting #215, #432.18, 2010.
Nakagawa, H., Kasaba, Y., Aoki, S., Murata, I., Maezawa, H., Okano, S., Sagawa, H., and Kasai, Y.: High Spectral Resolution Observations of Martin Atmosphere in Infrared - Submillimeter Rang from Ground-Based Instruments, Geophys. Res. Abstracts, 12, EGU2010-2010-1, 2010.
Rottler, L., Rau, A., Koda, J., Kirkpatrick, D., Deguchi, S., and Kaminski, T.: CARMA Observations of the Mysterious Galactic Transient V838 Monocerotis, American Astron. Soc., AAS Meeting #215, #416.21, 2010.
Takahashi, H., Matsuo, H., and Nakanishi, K.: Spectroscopic Imaging Study of Nearby Spiral Galaxies: Introduction of Observations with AKARI, NRO and ASTE, Proc. of the "AKARI, a light to illuminate the misty universe", eds. T. Onaka, G. J. White, T. Nakagawa, and I. Yamamura, ASP Conf. Ser. 418, 491-494, 2010.
Takahashi, S., Takano, S., Iono, D., and Kuno, N.: Doppler shift Correction for 2SB Receiver of the 45m Telescope at the Nobeyama Radio Observatory, Proc. of the "Astronomical data analysis software and systems XIX", eds. Y. Mizumoto, K.-I. Morita, and M. Ohishi, ASP Conf. ser., 434, 425-428, 2010.