

国立天文台野辺山談話会 : NRO Colloquium

過去の談話会 (2019年度)


  • Gwanjeong KIM


日時 / 場所 2019/04/18 (Thu), 16:00-17:00 / 輪講室(Seminar room)
講演者 辻本志保 (Shiho Tsujimoto, Keio University)
タイトル Molecular Bubbles in the Galactic Center

The central molecular zone (CMZ) of our Galaxy is characterized by a strong concentration of dense and warm molecular gas. Inspecting the CO data obtained with the NRO 45 m Telescope and the ASTE 10 m Telescope, we found the four high CO J=3-2/J=1-0 intensity ratio regions, at the Galactic longitudes l=+1.3°, 0°, −0.4°, and −1.2°. All of the high-ratio regions show extraordinary broad velocity widths (ΔV>50 km/s) despite their compact appearances (d<10 pc). The l = +1.3º region, one of the high ratio regions, contains nine expanding shells, which typically have very high kinetic energy comparable to tens or hundreds of supernova (SN) explosions. Given that two of these expanding shells are associated with SiO clumps, a series of SN explosions may be responsible for the formation of the expanding shells and then the l=+1.3º region is a molecular bubble containing a very massive star cluster. Another high ratio region, that is, the l=-1.2º region, shares the principal properties with the l=+1.3º region. The locations of these two in the plane of sky are roughly symmetric with respect to the Galactic center. The l=-1.2º region contains five expanding shells with huge kinetic energy. In addition, the SiO J=8-7 line emission was detected at the edge of the shells. These facts indicate that the l=-1.2º region may be another molecular bubble associated with an embedded massive star cluster. In this seminar, I will introduce the l=+1.3º and –1.2º regions and discuss the origin of them.



日時 / 場所 2019/04/04 (Thu), 16:00-17:00 / 輪講室(Seminar room)
講演者 Iwata, Yuhei (Keio University)
タイトル High-velocity Molecular Cloud near the Galactic Center

The central region of our Galaxy contains a huge amount of molecular gas. This region is often referred to as the "central molecular zone (CMZ)". High-velocity compact cloud (HVCC) is a peculiar population of molecular cloud found in the CMZ of our Galaxy. HVCCs are characterized by their compact sizes and large velocity widths. CO 0.02-0.02 is one of the most energetic HVCCs located at 5' Galactic east of Sgr A*. This cloud is supposed to be accelerated by a series of supernova explosions because of its morphology and the association of a group of point-like IR sources. In this seminar, I will introduce the recent studies related to CO 0.02-0.02, including the spectral line surveys which have been performed by using the NRO 45-m radio telescope.



日時 / 場所 2019/02/26 (Tue), 14:30-16:00 / 輪講室(Seminar room) / 日本語のみ(Japanese)
講演者 青木勉(東大木曽観測所)
AOKI, Tsutomu (Kiso Observatory, the University of Tokyo)
タイトル 次代に向けた木曽観測所の運用について
On the operation of Kiso Observatory for the next generation

Kiso Observatory was founded in 1974 as the fifth observational facility of the Tokyo Observatory. The observatory runs a 105-cm Schmitt telescope. It had been used as open use telescope substantially for all astronomers nationwide since the foundation. However, we stopped the open use system due to optimization and reduction of the budget and newly started the collaborative operation programs with external researchers. In the seminar, I will report how we have operated the observatory in detail.

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