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Name: Mail Address: Affiliation: Proposal number (if applicable): Telescope: NRO45m ASTE Category: 1-1 Proposal 1-2 Target of Opportunity 1-3 Change Request 1-4 Remote Observations 1-5 Joint Observations 1-6 Director's Discretionary Time 1-7 Others 2-1 Antenna 2-2 Receiver 2-3 Backend (Spectrometers) 2-4 Others 3-1 NOBS & AOBS 3-2 Data Download 3-3 Newstar & Nostar 3-4 Others 4-1 Account 4-2 Others 5-1 Publication 5-2 Press or Web Release 5-3 Others 6-1 Administration 7-1 Others Subject: Question or Request: (< 1000 characters including space) Please answer this question: Your inquiry and our reply may be listed in our FAQ for user convenience. Your personal information will be removed when listed. We would like to ask your understanding.