[ Japanese | English ]
- リモート観測主体になることに伴い共同利用観測運用方針を改訂しました。(2019-12-02)
- リモート観測のフローチャートを公開しました。(2019-12-02)
- レガシープロジェクトのデータ公開を行いました。左記ページ内からリンクされている各プロジェクトサイトの情報をよくお読みになりご利用ください。(2018-06-01)
- 新観測スクリプト生成ツールnobsとそのマニュアルを公開しました。これよりの観測スクリプトの作成はnobsをご利用ください。(2017-11-24)
- 野辺山45m電波望遠鏡サイエンスデータアーカイブが公開されました。(2017-08-21)
- 謝辞および装置論文についての情報を更新しました。(2017-01-15)
- 45m電波望遠鏡への装置・ソフトウエア・新観測モード開発プロポーザルの募集のお知らせを記載しました。(2017-05-12)
- SiOメーザーリストの最新の強度の欄を更新しました。(2017-03-14)
- FORESTを用いたOTF観測のパラメータを例示しました。(2017-02-06)
- バックアップ観測に関するルールを明確にしました。(2017-02-06)
- FOREST、H22、H40について受信機チューニング方法を記載しました。(2017-01-15)
- Az=0-90deg.付近の木を剪定したことを受け、45m電波望遠鏡周りのスカイラインを最新のものに更新しました。(2016-12-13)
- ポジションスイッチ観測におけるバグが見つかりました。(2016-05-02)
- 連続波バックエンドのステータスを更新しました。#11は使用を避けてください。 (2016-03-21)
- 受信機設定のサンプルファイルページを観測スクリプト作成ツールObstable ZのDevice Tabページからリンクしました。(2016-01-19)
- 観測マニュアルをアップデートしました。 (2015-12-03)
- バグ修正版Time Estimator for OTFをリリースしました。
OTF観測の提案を考えていらっしゃる方はこちらを使って観測時間の再見積りをしていただくようお願いいたします。 (2015-11-30)
- Time Estimatorのバグ修正のため、共同利用後期の締め切りを12月1日から12月7日へ延期しました。(2015-11-27)
- 観測スクリプト作成ツールObstable Zのページを改定しました。(2015-11-17)
- プロポーザル採択後、観測までの準備ガイドのページを公開しました。(2015-11-17)
- 2015-2016シーズン前期のプロポーザルの要求時間をLST帯ごとにまとめた図をプロポーザル情報のページに公開しました (2015-11-13)
- プロポーザル提出に関してよくある質問をFAQとしてまとめました (2015-11-02)
- 最新のアンテナのスカイラインを観測案作成ガイドページに記載しました(2015-09-04)
- 45m電波望遠鏡共同利用公募のお知らせ(2015-08-03)→プロポーザル情報(Call for Proposals)
- helpdeskを設置しました (2015-03-06)
教育支援枠のプロポーザルを、12月10日締切で追加募集いたします (2014-10-22)
- 新マルチビーム受信機FORESTの情報 (2014-08-14)
- 45m電波望遠鏡共同利用公募のお知らせ (2014-07-31) →プロポーザル情報 (Call for Proposals)
- 標準天体スペクトルリストを更新しました。(2014-04-25)
- 野辺山観測所データ解析サーバーご利用の皆様へ(野辺山観測所データ解析サーバ運用終了のお知らせ) (2013-05-16)
- 新分光器SAM45のステータス
- AOSのステータス (2012-03-02)
AOS-W3が故障しています (2014-02-04)
- アンテナ能率を公開しました (2014-04-17)
S80受信機は故障のため、現在使用できません。 (2014-03-03)
→ 修理及び調査を行い正常に機能することを確認し、運用を再開しました。(2014-04-02)
- 新システムのADコンバーター(PANDA)が一台新型になり、IF 13, 14に使われています(PANDAによるスプリアスが見られますが、このPANDAについてはスプリアスが出なくなりました) (2013-12-24)
- 採択されたプロポーザル (2013-10-16)
- 電波シーイングモニタが見れるようになりました。(観測所内からのみアクセスできます) (2013-05-20)
- アンテナ能率を公開しました (2013-04-12)
現在、BEARSのビームの1つであるch3-5は、第一局部発振器が108 GHz以上で性能が出ません。観測計画を立てる際にはご注意ください (このビームでの12COの観測は難しいですが、13COをUSBで観測するのは可能です)。(2013-02-27)
- 3 mm帯の2SB受信機T100の運用を終了しました。今後は、同等の機能を持つTZ1受信機をお使いください。TZ1はSAM45分光器と接続することができます。現在、関連のweb pageを更新中です。TZ1の観測テーブル作成には、ソフトとしてObstable Z (zobs)をご利用ください (2013-01-08)
- Obstable Z (zobs)でのdevice tableの作成方法が変わりました。こちらのページをご参照ください。(2013-01-08)
- 新マルチビーム受信機FORESTの情報(2012-08-29)
- CASA reduction manual (2011/12/16)
- Spectra of Standard Sources is here (2011-01-14)
- Java version of Newstar (reduction software for spectral lines) was released.
In addition, a task (beta version) of Newstar "New Spectrum FITS" (to transform spectral files to FITS format) was also released.
For details click here. (2010-01-06)
- How to start OBSTABLE for 45m is here.
- The proposal cover sheet has been upgraded. Please use ver 4.10.(2008-10-30)
- Proposal information for open-use observation in 2009 season is now open.(2008-09-03)
- The deadline of General Program has been postponed to 11 November 2008.
- The LO of H30 receiver does not work stably in some frequency. Please ask us for details. (2008-05-20)
- IF1 attenuator is broken (May 6-13, 2008)
- The 1dB-step attenuator of IF #1 is broken. Please do not use IF 1.
- Export version of NOSTAR
- Export version of OTF reduction software is released. (Mar. 31, 2008)
- Antenna efficiencies for 2007-2008 season
- The antenna efficiencies in the 2007-2008 season is presented. (Mar. 13, 2008)
- A bandpass filter of IF2 cannot be used. (Feb. 25-26, 2008)
The 5.1--5.6 GHz bandpass filter of the IF 2 was broken,
and seems to be "spontaneously" repaired.
- AOS-H7 cannot be used. (Dec. 29, 2007-Feb. 5, 2008)
- The LO attenuator of the AOS-H6 is broken.
- AOS-H6 cannot be used. (Jan. 3-8, 2008)
- The step attenuator of the AOS-H6 sometimes does not function.
- Export (beta) version of NOSTAR
- Public beta release of Export version of OTF reduction software. (2007-11-30)
- BEARS star formation project
- Data from BEARS star formation project is open. (2007-08-28)
- Status report
Status Report for 2007-2008 season is now open.(2007-06-15)
- Proposal information
Proposal information for open-use observation in 2007-2008 season
is now open. (2007-06-06)
- IF7 attenuator is broken (Apr. 27-May 1, 2007)
- The 1dB-step attenuator of IF #7 is broken. Please do not use IF 7.
- Beam efficiencies for 2006-2007 season
- Beam efficiencies are released. (2007-04-25)
- BEARS scaling factors for 2006-2007 season
- BEARS calibration data (scaling factors) are released. (2007-04-19)
- BEARS (CH15) cannot be used. (Mar. 19-21, 2007)
Due to a snapping of an IF cable, CH15 of BEARS cannot be used since Mar. 19.
And a trouble of the refrigerator which occurred succeedingly makes all the 25 beams unavailable (Mar. 20).
Both troubles are fixed by Mar. 21.
- The AOS-H7 cannot be used (Mar. 1-13, 2007)
- The 4th local oscillator for AOS-H7 is broken.
- IF2 attenuator is broken (Feb. 22-27, 2007)
- The 1dB-step attenuator of IF #2 is broken. Please do not use IF 2.
- Trouble on AC-03 (Feb. 13-14, 2007)
- Due to a trouble on a digital spectrometer A03, CH13 of BEARS cannot be used.
- We have renewed the Web site. (Feb. 7, 2007)
- Old page (Japanese)
- Status of AOS-W1 (Feb. 6-14, 2007)
The band characteristics of AOS-W1 was found to be bad.
Please do not assign important lines only in this spectrometer.
--> It turned out to be OK.
- Operation resumed
The 45 m telescope was temporary repaired, and the operation (common use observations) has started again.
For details see the top page of this observatory.
(Feb. 5, 2007)
- Operation Interrupted (Jan.-Feb. 5, 2007)
The operation of the 45 m telescope is now stopped due to the trouble of the driving system.
For details see the top page of this observatory.
(Jan. 24, 2007)
- Schedule of open use observations in 2006-2007 season
Open use will start from early Jan. 2007.
Now we are preparing for it. (Dec. 24, 2006)
[ |
beam efficiencies: almost done |
- We now open the OTF observing mode.
- OTF (On The Fly) mode is available for open use.
- Change of 45-m manager
- N. Kuno has became the manager of the telescope in succession to K. Sunada. (Nov. 2006)
- The frequency converter of AOS-H3 is now broken.
- Unfortunitely AOS-H3 cannot be used. (March 28 - April 4, 2006)
- The H40 receiver was replaced.
The 1st IF and the side band were changed
(9.8 ---> 6.0 GHz, LSB ---> USB). You can get a sample file from the window
of the device table.
- Present status of AOS (Dec. 2004-)
- Present status of BEARS
At present a channel 25 cannot be used due to the breaking of the wire
(Dec. 31, 2004-Jan. 27, 2005).
- The intensity calibration system of the old port (old MMC) is broken (Jan. 8-19, 2005)
Please use LOAD1 (LD1) instead of the old MMC for the observations with the
H40, H32/28, and H22 receivers.
For this coming observational season, we are measuring the telescope
performance and adjusting the basic parameters (subreflector, pointing, beam squint,
efficiency, etc.).
The adjustment of the subreflector position and the revision of pointing parameters
have already finished.
- The operation of the 45m radiotelescope in this season finished. (31 May 2004-)
On 27 May the operation in this observational season finished.
In addition to the usual maintenance works,
we are going to replace the control system of the telescope in this summer.
- Trouble of AOS-W4 (13 April 2004-)
The baseline of AOS-W4 may be bad.
Please do not assign important lines only in this spectrometer.
- The revisions of OBSTABLE (2 Dec. 2003-)
A device table for line observations was revised to include the digital backend
for connection with the single beam receivers. When you want to use old device
tables for lines, please get them from the 'File List' and re-save,
evenif you do not use the digital backend.
A device table for BEARS was also revised.
A function 'Random' as a backend option was added.
When you want to use old device
tables for BEARS, first please get them from the 'File List'.
Then, you will see that the position angles are blank,
and that the bandwidths are not selected.
Please complete the tables and re-save.
A scan table for OTF can be selected from the main panel, but it is only for
the test purposes and not open for common use observations.
- The use of the digital backend for the single beam receivers (2 Dec. 2003-)
From this observing season, it is possible to connect the digital backend to the
single beam receivers. The manual will be available soon. For details please
ask to Dr. Sunada.
- Present status of AOS (Dec. 2003-)
- Trouble of AOS-W4 (9-13 April 2004)
At present fringe noise appears at half of the channel ranges of AOS-W4.
Please do not assign important lines only in this spectrometer.
- Trouble of AOS-H8 (2 Dec. 2003 - 9 March 2004)
At present the final local oscillator for AOS-H8 is broken, and consequently,
H8 cannot be used.
- Trouble of an attenuator at IF7 6-2 GHz converter (8-9 Dec. 2003)
Please do not use the IF7, or use it with even number (dB) of
attenuation in the device table (ask to the assistant).
In this case, please do not assign important lines only in the IF7.
- Now the 45m telescope is not operated for the maintenance. (deleted 28 Nov. 2003)
- Problem of the band selection board (1 April 2003 -)
The S100 receiver cannot be connected to the IF 7 line.
Please do not assign the IF 7 line for the S100 receiver.
- PLL problem of the S100 receiver (18 March 2003 -)
The PLL of S100 does not work well at the local frequency of 87.925 GHz.
Please avoid to use this local frequency.
- Tuning of the S100/S80 receivers (Dec. 2002 -)
Almost complete tuning can be done by PC at the
control room. In this tuning process
bias voltage is not adjusted. If this adjustment is necessary
to obtain maximum performance, please ask to the assistant.
- Present status of BEARS
A channel 3-2 could not be used due to the problem of the amplifier (Dec. 2002-).
This problem has already been solved by recent maintenance work (4 Feb. 2003-).
The calibration data of this channel will be obtained in near future.
Recently level of this channel sometimes becomes unstable (1 April 2003-).
The IF level of a channel 3-4 may become unstable. In this case spectra of
this channel become strange. If this happens, please call the assistant (25 Feb. 2003-).
The IF level of a channel 2-3 may become unstable.
If this happens, please call the assistant (13 March 2003-).
A channel 2-4 cannot be used due to disconnection of the line inside (14 April 2003-).
- Information on the local oscillators of the H22 receiver
Please note that the tuning ranges of the local (Gunn) oscillators of H22 is not
completely continuous.
The tuning ranges are 14.75-15.25 GHz, 16.7-17.25 GHz, and 18.7-19.3 GHz.
Their will be no big problem, because the bandwidth of H22 is rather wide (2 GHz).
- Present status of AOS (Dec. 2002-
- Connection of cables for continuum observations (NOBA and other receivers)(Dec. 2002-)
This connection became automatic by using a switch box.
Please click 'start tuning' in the main console to make this
connection effective before continuum observations.
- Low performance of the S100 receiver (ca. 11 March 2003 -) (deleted 1 April 2003)
The performance of S100 is unfortunitely slightly low at present.
Roughly speaking it is better to use S80 instead of S100 for observations below
100 GHz. For observations above 100 GHz S100 seems better than S80.
For details please ask the people maintaining the receivers.
- Trouble of IF6 (19 March 2003 -) (deleted 25 March 2003)
The system temperature of AOSs connected to IF6 is now abnormally low.
Please avoid to use IF6.
- Trouble of an attenuator (14 March 2003-) (deleted 17 March 2003)
An attenuator of IF6 at 6 to 2 GHz converter is now broken.
Please do not use the IF6 line.
- Present status of BEARS (deleted 18 Feb. 2003)
A channel 3-2 cannot be used due to the problem of the amplifier (Dec. 2002-).
This problem may have already been solved by recent maintenance work (4 Feb. 2003-).
Please operate with the angle range of +138 to -20 degree of the
rotational stage. Otherwise a channel 3-3 may become unstable (Dec. 2002-).
This problem may have already been solved by recent maintenance work (4 Feb. 2003-).
- Trouble of an attenuator at IF8 6-2 GHz converter (7-17 Feb. 2003)
In case of odd number (dB) of attenuation, signal does not pass.
Please do not use the IF8, or use it with even number (dB) of
attenuation (ask to the assistant).
2018-05-11 Update