Usage of [File List]

The [File List] is to select a file that you want to operate.
This explanation is common to [File List] for several TASKs (FLAG, LINTEG, FOLD SP, etc.).

  1. Click [File List] on the parameter window for each TASK. The File List window as shown below appears.

    < File List window for FLAG >

  2. Click a file that you want to operate. The file is marked, and the file name is copied on input file, such as "Schedule" or "spectrum file(in)", on the parameter window.

  3. For some TASKs, you can operate several files at the same time. Ten files are the maximum.
    1. Click "Use temporary file to concatenate files". A space for <tmp. file> appears on the TASK's parameter window.
    2. Mark the files that you want to operate. The files' names are shown at <tmp. file>, and a temporary file which contains the files is made. The temporary file's name is shown as an input file.

  4. Some TASKs have the Target pull-down menu on the File List window. After selecting Target, click a file name.

  5. Click [Done]. The File List window disappears.

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