Let's displays the profile map
[Spectrum: GPMAP]

This TASK displays the profile maps created by spectrum files to TTT window. In this TASK, you can move a displayed range to a page that you want to see.
reference: GPMAP

Here, it is explained in the case when mapping observation was performed with equal spacing. In the other case, you shoud see reference manual.

1. Starting GPMAP
Click [GPMAP] on Button Panel. The following parameter window appears.

< Parameter window for GPMAP >

2. Setting up parameters
  1. Type spectrum file name in "spectrum file(in)" or select a file from [File List]. Usage of [File List]
  2. Choose the coordinate system from '(RA, DEC)', '(L, B)', '(dRA, dDEC)', '(dl, db)', '(dAZ, dEL)' or '(X, Y)' at "Coordinate".
  3. Press [Posistion map]. The TTT window with observed position will be appeared.
  4. Define the standard area to create a profile map by choosing the bottom-left corner and top-right corner by using a mouse. A single click will define the positions for the corners.

  5. Set the display mode of 'auto: display all spectra' in "Display mode".
  6. Set "Sp. Unit" to 'Velocity(km/s)'.
  7. Select "Sp. Range" to 'all' or 'manual'. If 'manual' is selected, it is necessary to specify a range of above selected unit, velocity, in "when manual".
  8. Set "Intensity Range" and "Flag Int.Range of GBASE" to 'all'.
  9. Set "Sp. tick marks" and "Intensity tick marks" to 'auto'.
  10. Select "Binding". If 'yes' is selected, it is necessary to specify number of bound channels in "Bind ch.".
  11. Click [Option] button. Open [Option] window and set "Navigation map" to 'on'.

    < Option window for GPMAP >

3. Execution
  1. Click [Exec] in the menu bar, and select [Activate program] from the pull-down menu. The following TTT window, which show pages in all region, appears.

  2. Click on the page that you want to see. The following TTT window, which show profile map of the page, appears.

  3. When you go to the next page, click [NextPage] in the menu bar, and select [Next] from the pull-down menu.

  4. When you move to the upper page, click [MoveMap] in the menu bar, and select [Up] from the pull-down menu. In the same way, when you move to the down, right, and left page.

  5. However, the function GBASE should not be used still because of a few problem of its TASK. Thus, do not click [GoToGbase] in the menu bar.
  6. To finish the TASK, click [Exit] in the menu bar, and select [Finish Procedure] from the pull-down menu.

Last update: February 2, 2005
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