Let's displays the profile map
[Spectrum: GPMAP]
This TASK displays the profile maps created by spectrum files to TTT window.
In this TASK, you can move a displayed range to a page that you want to see.
Here, it is explained in the case when mapping observation was performed with equal spacing. In the other case, you shoud see reference manual.
- * USAGE:
- 1. Starting GPMAP
Click [GPMAP] on Button Panel. The following parameter window appears.
Parameter window for GPMAP
- 2. Setting up parameters
- Type spectrum file name in "spectrum file(in)" or select a file from [File List]. Usage of [File List]
- Choose the coordinate system from '(RA, DEC)', '(L, B)', '(dRA, dDEC)', '(dl, db)', '(dAZ, dEL)' or '(X, Y)' at "Coordinate".
- Press [Posistion map]. The TTT window with observed position will be appeared.
- Define the standard area to create a profile map by choosing the bottom-left corner and top-right corner by using a mouse.
A single click will define the positions for the corners.
- Set the display mode of 'auto: display all spectra' in "Display mode".
- Set "Sp. Unit" to 'Velocity(km/s)'.
- Select "Sp. Range" to 'all' or 'manual'.
If 'manual' is selected, it is necessary to specify a range of above selected unit, velocity, in "when manual".
- Set "Intensity Range" and "Flag Int.Range of GBASE" to 'all'.
- Set "Sp. tick marks" and "Intensity tick marks" to 'auto'.
- Select "Binding".
If 'yes' is selected, it is necessary to specify number of bound channels in "Bind ch.".
- Click [Option] button.
Open [Option] window and set "Navigation map" to 'on'.
Option window for GPMAP
- 3. Execution
- Click [Exec] in the menu bar, and select [Activate program] from the pull-down menu. The following TTT window, which show pages in all region, appears.
- Click on the page that you want to see. The following TTT window, which show profile map of the page, appears.
- When you go to the next page, click [NextPage] in the menu bar, and select [Next] from the pull-down menu.
- When you move to the upper page, click [MoveMap] in the menu bar, and select [Up] from the pull-down menu. In the same way, when you move to the down, right, and left page.
- However, the function GBASE should not be used still because of a few problem of its TASK. Thus, do not click [GoToGbase] in the menu bar.
- To finish the TASK, click [Exit] in the menu bar, and select [Finish Procedure] from the pull-down menu.
Last update: February 2, 2005