Looking at Images in NewStar
This is an explanation how you view an image file.
You can display image files created by
MAP (large),
to the output device tools of AIPS, such as TTT or SSS,
or you can print out the image.
SSS is the output device in AIPS to which color images can be displayed directly.
There are color scales of "Rainbow" or "Grey scale".
On the other hand, TTT is the output device in AIPS
to which contour maps of image files can be displayed.
TTT can display only a line drawing.
The output device that spectra are drawn is also TTT.
Two steps are necessary in order to view your created images,
except for using Map to SSS.
In the first step, you create a plot file using
Grey plot or
The plot file is an additional file type of an image file in AIPS (NewStar).
In the second step, you display the created plot file to SSS or TTT,
or print to the printer.
However, MAKE CONTOUR performs above two steps at once
and can display to SSS or TTT.
On the other hand, Map to SSS do not created plot file
when viewing color map.
- For example, typical methods are explained as follows to look at map images.
- View color map on SSS using Map to SSS.
- [Map to SSS]:
This TASK is to display map files created by imaging tasks,
such as MAP (large) or
P-V DIAGRAM etc., directly to SSS of AIPS.
- [SSS color]:
Changing color scale of images in SSS
and varying color tone after finishing the SSS process.
- [SSS label]:
Drawing the coordinate and grids in SSS after you view a color map.
It is necessary to finish the SSS process before using SSS label.
- [Clear SSS]:
Clear the output device of SSS.
- Draw contour map to TTT using MAKE CONTOUR.
You can draw contour images of created map files on TTT
with selecting "Plot to TTT & delete plot file" of output mode
- Make hard copy of contour and/or Grey scale map using printer.
- [Grey plot],
[Plot to LW]:
You can make hard copy of grey scale overlay on a contour image.
In the first step, you create a plot file of a map file using
Grey plot.
In the second step, you print out this plot file using
Plot to LW.
You can show this plot file to SSS or TTT using
Plot to SSS,
Plot to TTT.
- Convert to image FITS and load by other FITS utilities.
- [Image FITS]:
You can convert the created map file of NewStar to image FITS file
using Image FITS.
The image FITS files can be loaded easily to IDL (Interactive Data Language by
Research Systems Inc.).
IDL is installed in our server of NRO, and it can be used at workstations.
Moreover, image FITS files can be read by other FITS utilities,
such as "FITSview"
by NRAO for MS Windows (, UNIX, and Macintosh),
"xv" for UNIX, and "GraphicConverter" for Macintosh.