Let's see spectra
[Spectrum: Show Spectra]

This TASK is to show spectra in the "spectrum file". It can read the peak frequency, the peak velocity, the peak channel, the FWHM linewidth, the integrated intensity, and so on.
reference: Show Spectra

1. Starting Show Spectra
Click [Show Spectra] on Button Panel. The following parameter window appears.

< Parameter window for Show Spectra >

2. Setting up parameters
  1. Type file name in "Spectrum file(in)" or select a file from [File List]. Usage of [File List]
  2. Set "X-axis mode" to 'velocity(km/s)'.
  3. Set "reference frequency" to 'center'.
  4. Set "X-axis range" to 'all range'.
  5. Set "Y-axis" to 'Ta*(K)'.
  6. Set "Y-axis range" to 'all range'.
  7. Click [All sp.#] at <Spectrum Window>. Usage of <Spectrum Window>

3. Execution
  1. Click [Exec] in the menu bar, and select [Activate program] from the pull-down menu. The following TTT window appears.

  2. To show the line parameters, click [SignalRanges] in the menu bar and select [Okay, <SignalRanges>]. "Select an OPTION" at the head of the window changes to "Set min. position of the signal or click FIN.".

  3. Click the left side of the range of the emission. A vertical line is shown, and "Set min. position of the signal or click FIN." changes to "Set max. position of the signal".

  4. Click the right side of the range of the emission. The second vertical line and line parameters (peak T, x of peak, etc.) are shown. "Set max. position of the signal" changes to "Set min. position of the signal or click FIN.".
    The line parameters shown are as follows.

    peak T[K] antenna temperature of the line peak
    x of peak[ch], [MHz], [km/s] channel where the line peak exists
    and its frequency and velocity
    half width[ch], [MHz], [km/s] the full width at half maximum of the peak temperature
    integ. int.[K*km/s] intensity integrated between the set range

  5. If you want to show line parameters of other line, repeat clicking the right and left side of the range of emission. To get out of the SignalRanges mode, click [FIN] in the menu bar and select [Okay, <FIN>]. "Set min. position of the signal or click FIN." returns to "Select an OPTION".

  6. When you see next spectrum, click [Save&next] and select [NextSpectrum].

  7. To finish the TASK, click [Exit] in the menu bar, and select [Finish Procedure] from the pull-down menu.

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