Let's smooth a spectrum
[Spectrum: SMOOTHING]

This TASK smoothes a spectrum.
reference: SMOOTHING

Spectra will be appended if the name of the output file already exists.

1. Starting SMOOTHING
Click [SMOOTHING] on Button Panel. The following parameter window will appear.

< Parameter window for SMOOTHING >

2. Setting up parameters
  1. Type file name in "spectrum file(in)" or select a file from [File List], which you want to smooth. Usage of [File List].
  2. Type file name for output in "spectral file(out)", and set extension to 'SMTHG'.
  3. Set "X-axis unit" to 'ch', 'km/s', or 'GHz', which are used later as a unit for "smoothing width".
  4. Set "X-axis range" to 'all range'.
  5. Set "Y-axis range" to 'auto'.
  6. Set "execution mode" to 'interactive' to see the procedure of smoothing.
  7. Set "smoothing mode" to 'binning-up', 'box (running)', or 'Hanning'.
  8. Type in "smoothing width" with the unit set in "X-axis unit" above.
  9. Click [All sp.#] to select all spectra in the input spectrum file at <Spectrum Window>. Usage of <Spectrum Window>.

3. Execution
  1. Click [Exec] button in the menu bar, and select [Activate program] from the pull-down menu. The following TTT window appears.

  2. Click [Go] button in the menu bar, and select [Okay, <Go>] from the pull-down menu to see the smoothed result. Then the result is displayed with red line as follows.

  3. When you want to save the result, click [Save&Next] in the menu bar, and select [Save&Next] from the pull-down menu.
  4. To finish the TASK, click [Exit] in the menu bar, and select [Finish Procedure] from the pull-down menu.
Last update: April 13, 2005
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