Usage of <Spectrum Window>

The <Spectrum Window> is to select spectrum number(s) (sp#.) that you want to treat in a spectrum file.
This explanation is common to <Spectrum Window> for several TASKs (Show Spectra, BASELINE, SMOOTHING, etc.).


    There are four ways to specify spectrum number(s) in a spectrum file. It is necessary to carry out one of these four ways.

    1. 1st method is to select all spectra in the input file.
    2. 2nd method is to select part of spectra in the input file by directly typing spectrum numbers.
    3. 3rd method is to select part of spectra in the input file graphically by using a schematic map grid.
    4. 4th method is to select part of spectra in the input file by directly typing spectrum names.

    1st method:
    Just click [All sp.#] to select all spectra in the input spectrum file.
    Then all spectrum numbers are listed in a small space just below the letter <Spectrum Window> in a parameter window. An example is shown below. In this case the input file contains 25 spectra, and all of 25 spectra are treated.

    < Parameter window for Show Spectra >

    2nd method:
    Directly type spectrum numbers in a small space just below the letter <Spectrum Window> in a parameter window.
      Examples are shown below.
    1. 1-1 means only spectrum number 1.
    2. 1-25 means spectrum numbers from 1 to 25 (25 spectra are treated).
    3. 1, 4, 6, 10-15 means spectrum numbers 1, 4, 6, 10 to 15.
    4. * (asterisk: initial setting of each TASK) means all spectrum numbers (same as [All sp.#]).

    3rd method:
    Click [Position map], if spectra from different observational points are included in the input file.
    Then, the following window will appear.

    You can select a coordinate system to display observed points schematically from the pull-down menu. Then, the following window with observed points will appear (e.g. 'Ra, dec' was selected).

    You can specify some of these observational points by clicking a bottom-left corner and a top-right corner as follows.

    Click [Exec] button in the menu bar, and select [Finish procedure] from the pull-down menu. Then, the corresponding spectrum numbers will appear in a small space just below the letter <Spectrum Window> in a parameter window.

    4th method:
    It is possible to put a name for each spectrum at the TASK LINTG (with the function type of naming). If you have already put names for spectra, you can directly type the names (with upper case letters) in a small space just below the letter <Spectrum Window> in a parameter window.
Last update: December, 13 2004
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