Parameter window for Image FITS
- Setting up parameters
- Matching:
- "Do the 1st match only" means to convert the 1st image that match the input parameters, and "Do all files" means to convert all image files matching the input parameters.
The default is set to "Do the 1st match only".
For details, please see the AIPS help. (AIPS adverb DOALL)
- File:
- Type a file name and class, or select a file from [File List] for input.
- Type of file:
- Set to "MA" when a FITS file of the map data is created. You can also create a FITS file of uv data by interferometers if set to "UV". (AIPS adverb INTYPE)
- Output file:
- Type a file name of the FITS file for output. If, for example, type "DA01:filename", then the FITS file of the name of "/home/Group/Project/DA01X/filename" is created (Group is your Group name and Project is your Project name). The name is limited to 48-characters. (AIPS adverb OUTFILE)
- Setting up parameters in Option
Parameter optional window for Image FITS
You can see details of options for the TASK (FITTP) in the AIPS help.
The parameters in option correspond to each AIPS adverb as the following.
Tape drive : OUTTAPE
Writing position : DOEOT
Convert to true Stokes : DOSTOKES
Write tables on : DOTABLE
Extra precision for UV : DOTWO
Extention table : DONEWTAB
Format : FORMAT
Blocking factor : BLOCKING
- Execution
Execute this TASK from the menu bar. The TASK creates a FITS file and automatically ends.