This TASK is to convert NewStar spectral data to a FITS disk file, and
vice versa.
Some important information are written in 'HELP' at the parameter window.
Please also see this help.
In FITS files created with this TASK, "CRVAL2" contains frequency
including Doppler shift. This specification causes shift of
frequency, when such FITS files are read by other software (e.g., IDL).
But the created FITS files are self-consistent within Newstar.
This TASK is not suitable for AC (degital spectrometer), because a shift of 1 channel
was found, when data from AC are inputted for transformations from Newstar to FITS, and
then FITS to Newstar.
When you transfer data to (for examle)
the export version of Newstar (Linux), please use BackUp menu (then 'to disk')
in the FILE SERVICE to save data to disk.
Then, please move the saved data in disk to your Linux machine.
Subsequently, please read the data in disk in your Linux machine via the TASK
Other problem related to AC is that the spectrometer name beginning with "A"
is replaced by "F".
GSCAL does not work due to this replacement. (Added on Oct. 27, 2006)
Parameter window for Sp FITS
Setting up parameters
NEWSTAR Spectrum File:
Type a spectrum file name, or select from [File List].
FITS Disk File:
Type a FITS disk file name (e.g., TEST.FITS).
Select direction of the conversion; 'NEWSTAR->FITS' or
Now a conversion 'FITS->NEWSTAR' is limited to FITS data made
with NewStar and made from FCRAO QUARRY IRAF-format.
For details, please see 'HELP' at the parameter window.
Select unit of the abscissa; 'Frequency' or
Execution Mode:
Select 'Normal' or
If you select 'Debug', rather long log of the conversion will appear
in Root window (open Root window from Buttom Panel.).
<Spectrum Window>
Specify spectrum numbers (sp.#) that you want to treat.
Execute this TASK from the menu bar. The TASK automatically ends.