Utility: Sp TEXT

This TASK is to make a text-format (ASCII) spectral file on disk or display a text-format spectrum (spectra) on a console (Root window).

    < Parameter window for Sp TEXT >

  1. Setting up parameters
    Spectrum file (in): & Class
    Type a spectrum file name or select from [File List].
    Text File Name (out):
    Type output file name (e.g. 'w51.txt'). This is not necessary when you use a console (Root window) instead of saving on disk.
    Select unit for the output.
    Output Device:
    Select a destination of the output, disk file or console (Root window).
    Select whether the output is with header.
    Reference frequency:
    Select a source of reference frequency, header or manual input, if you have selected 'Velocity' at the Mode. When you select 'Manual', type desired frequency in GHz.
    <Spectrum window>:
    Type spectrum numbers (sp.#), which you want to treat.

  2. Execution
      Execute this TASK from the menu bar. The TASK automatically ends.

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