Last Update: 25th December 2018

[General Instruction] | Introduction: 'nobs' | Project Tab |
[Line Observation] | Source Tab (Line) | Reference Tab (Line) | Scan Tab (Line) | Device Tab (Line) |
[Continuum Observation] | Source Tab (Cont.) | Reference Tab (Cont.) | Scan Tab (Cont.) | Device Tab (Cont.) |

Device Tab (Continuum)

nobs: Device Tab (cont.)

The device tab is desined to make the device table, in which frequency setup is written.
NOTE: We provide sample device files. Please select one of sample files from "Samples" button first. Then, modify "Track freq.(GHz)" and "IF freq.(GHz)" in Frontend section.

Device Table [mandatory field]

Enter a name of the device table. A configuration file will be saved under your working directory with the name of

<the name of the Device Table you defined>.cdevice

The limitations of a filename of the device table are as folllows:

NOTE: You can save the input parameters anytime you want (the nobs allows you to save the scan table even if some mandatory fields still blank). The nobs does not check whether these input parameters follow the rules at that time.

Click the Check button for a basic check of the parameters. The nobs calculates and compares the relations of the Track Freq. and IF freq.. If an input value violates the setup rules, the nobs notifies the error in the information box at the bottom-right corner.

Naming Rules of Sample Files

The observatory provides numbers of sample files according to the following naming rules:

Screenshots of each sample file and their concrete meanings are shown on the following page.
List of Sample Files of Device Table

Device Table for Pointing Observation

When you make an observation script for pointing observations, the observatory recommends using the sample device file named 'conth40eq2.cdevicea'. This sample table uses H40 receiver using Equalizer 2. (If you do not have a specific reason, please use Equalizer 2. Equalizer 3 needs an additional setup before observations.)

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Note (optional)

You can use this space to leave any memo for the device table. A character limit is 100, and a line break is prohibited.

Frontend Tab

In the frontend tab, users choose a receiver and set its target frequency range.


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This section describes which total power detector will be connected to the receiver that radio will be guided. Since the observatory is already fixed which total power detector should be used for a specified receiver, the user do not need to change this section while the user select an appropriate sample file.

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[General Instruction] | Introduction: 'nobs' | Project Tab |
[Line Observation] | Source Tab (Line) | Reference Tab (Line) | Scan Tab (Line) | Device Tab (Line) |
[Continuum Observation] | Source Tab (Cont.) | Reference Tab (Cont.) | Scan Tab (Cont.) | Device Tab (Cont.) |