Last Update: 21st July 2020

Introduction: nobs

'nobs' is a Python-based program that allows the observer to create observing scripts for observations using the Nobeyama 45-m telescope. This program is designed for observations with the SAM45 spectrometer in conjunction with any of the receivers equipped with the Nobeyama 45-m telescope. Those who wish to perform continuum observations including the pointing observation should consult the manual.

Differences between the nobs and the zobs (for Experienced Users)

There are many differences between the nobs and the zobs, which had been used until the 2016-2017 observing season, not only their appearances but definitions of technical words. At the following link, we describe what has been changed between the two.

What has changed from the zobs?

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How to Use the nobs

  1. You cannot use the nobs from outside of the observatory, otherwise use a VPN.
  2. Login to ut12x1 (or obstable1) from any machine.

    > ssh -X (YOUR ACCOUNT ID)


    > ssh -X -l (YOUR ACCOUNT ID)

    If you use Mac OS, please use an option of -Y instead of -X.
  3. After login to ut12x1, type the following command at the prompt.
    > nobs
  4. You will see the following main window on your screen. When you start creating the observing scripts, you should fill the project name you intend to use (i.e., proj1, proj2, and so on.) in 'Project' box. (By default, proj1 is selected.)

    nobs GUI
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Creating Observing Scripts

An observing script for the Nobeyama 45-m telescope, 'Obstable', is made of a combination of 4 files (called as 'tables'): source table, reference table, scan table, and device table. Tabs in the nobs are designed to make these tables.

  1. Project Tab

For line observations, details are described in the following pages:

  1. Source Tab (Line)
  2. Reference Tab (Line)
  3. Scan Tab (Line)
  4. Device Tab (Line)
In the case of continuum observations, instructions are described in the following links:
  1. Source Tab (Cont.)
  2. Reference Tab (Cont.)
  3. Scan Tab (Cont.)
  4. Device Tab (Cont.)

For Specific Observations

You can make basic observing scripts based on the explanations in linked pages above. Following links are guides for specific observations.

  1. Standard Source Observation

Useful Tools

The observatory provides useful tools for making observing scripts.
  1. Mult PA
    You can make an LST-EL (elevation angle) diagram of sources that are defined in Source Table. You can also check the rotation angle (PA) of the rotator of a multi-beam receiver.
  2. Obspoint
    Observing points defined in your observing scripts can be checked. This tool is useful not only in the position-switch mode but in the On-The-Fly mode.
  3. Observation Log
    The log of your observations can be obtained via a command line.
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Contact Information

For inquiries, please send your question or request to the helpdesk. If you have trouble, please prepare for your tables (*.nsource, *.nscan, and *.ndevice) and/or screenshot of offending windows of the program to send us.

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