Last Update: 27th July 2020

[General Instruction] | Introduction: 'nobs' | Project Tab |
[Line Observation] | Source Tab (Line) | Reference Tab (Line) | Scan Tab (Line) | Device Tab (Line) |
[Continuum Observation] | Source Tab (Cont.) | Reference Tab (Cont.) | Scan Tab (Cont.) | Device Tab (Cont.) |

Source Tab (Line)

nobs: Source Tab

Source Table [mandatory field]

This field defines a name for the source table. It may be useful to match the name of the source table with that of your target source. The file will be saved in your working directory, which is as same as 'Project' you entered at the Project tab. For example, your account ID, project name, and a name of the source table are 'newobs', 'proj1', and 'orion-kl', respectively, your file is saved in


with a name of 'orion-kl.nsource'.

As other tables, a filename should follow the rules described below:

NOTE: You can save the input parameters anytime you want (the nobs allows you to save the source table even if some mandatory fields still blank). The nobs does not check whether these input parameters follow the rules at that time.

Note (optional)

You can use this space to write any note about the source table. A character limit is 100, and a line break is prohibited.

Source Type [fixed field]

Choose a type of your target celestial object. For this season, you can only choose 'extra-Solar objects'.

extra-Solar Objects

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SiO Maser List

Pointing accuracy of the Nobeyama 45-m telescope should be checked every 1-1.5 hours. This can be done with an observation of H2O (22 GHz), SiO maser (43 and 86 GHz-bands), or continuum which are small enough to regard as a point source. The 'nobs' provides a list of available SiO(J = 1-0) maser sources at 43 GHz that can be used for pointing.

When you push the 'SiO Maser List' button, new GUI will pop-up. The GUI shows SiO maser list. You can then choose a SiO maser source by clicking a source given in the table. The information will be copied to the relevant area in the Source table (The input information is not saved yet. If you intend to use the target you selected, you need to push 'Save' button in the Source tab).

a list of SiO maser

NOTE: If all SiO maser sources which are near your target are weak, you may try to observe a continuum source for pointing observations. Pointing observation with a continuum source can be explained here.

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[General Instruction] | Introduction: 'nobs' | Project Tab |
[Line Observation] | Source Tab (Line) | Reference Tab (Line) | Scan Tab (Line) | Device Tab (Line) |
[Continuum Observation] | Source Tab (Cont.) | Reference Tab (Cont.) | Scan Tab (Cont.) | Device Tab (Cont.) |