NRO Weather Condition
Weather condition at Nobeyama Radio Observatory (DATE:
2024-12-06 03:31:00).
- Condition: Fine
- Pressure: 855 hPa
- Wind speed: 0.0 m/s
- Wind direction: 97 deg
(0--North, 90--East, 180--South, 270--West)
Measurement point (above ground level) |
Outside Temperature (deg C) |
Water Vapor (hPa) |
30 m |
-2.4 |
2.7 |
1.5 m |
-5.7 |
2.6 |
- Status of the 45m Telescope
- 2024/12/06 03:30:58 AZ:140 (STBY) EL:12 (STBY)
- Log of the weather condition
- Weather log (temperature, wind velocity and wind direction) over the last 30 min and 24 hours
2007-10-04 nro45mrt @ NRO
45m >
Weather (Meteorological tower at 45m)