number |
subject |
PI |
51002 |
Search for Maser/Thermal Emission in V838 Mon, a Peculiar nova, and related objects |
DEGUCHI, Syuji |
51003 |
Molecular Outflow Survey of the Nearby Edge-On Galaxies |
51004 |
Simultaneous Observations of the Multiple SiO Transitions |
NAKAJIMA, Jun-ichi |
51005 |
Diameter of the 10th Planet |
ITOH, Yoichi |
51009 |
Galactic 12CO/13CO ratio revisited: High resolution observations of 12C18O/13C18O ratio |
SAKAMOTO, Seiichi |
51012 |
Star formation in nuclear dense gas regions of galaxies: CO(J=1-0) survey for a statistical study II |
KOMUGI, Shin-ya |
51013 |
Circular Polarization on the Galctic Center Radio Arc by Faraday Repolarization Effect |
TSUBOI, Massato |
51016 |
Exploring an Early Stage of Protostellar Evolution with Complex Organic Molecules |
SAKAI, Nami |
51017 |
Nobeyama Galactic Plane 12CO/13CO Survey - Molecular Gas in the Dynamics of the Milky Way Disk |
SAWADA, Tsuyoshi |
51018 |
Monitoring of Water Maser in AGNs |
51021 |
Star-Forming Dense Gas in the Barred Spiral Galaxy M83 |
MURAOKA, Kazuyuki
51024 |
Evolution of dense cores in Taurus: Large scale N2H+ observations of high density molecular condensations in Taurus |
ONISHI, Toshikazu |
51027 |
The l=1.3deg Complex Revisited : Detailed distribution of Shocked Molecular Gas |
TANAKA, Kunihiko |
51030 |
Milti-line Observations of the Starless Globule FeSt 1-457: Velocity and Chemical structure |
52001 |
Studying Circum-Binary of Spitzer/Glimpse Objects. |
DEGUCHI, Syuji |
52002 |
Multi-line Observations of the Starless globule FeSt 1-457: Velocity and Chemical Structure |
52014 |
The L=0.8deg Anomaly : a Gathering of Shocked Gas Expelled from the Star Forming Ring? |
NAGAI, Makoto |
52017 |
Confirmation of extraditionary 13C/12C ratio in CCS |
52019 |
Formation of Low-Mass Star Forming Cores in a Filamentary Cloud |
52021 |
Outflow-Cloud Interaction in Barnard 1 YSO Condensation |
HIRAMATSU, Masaaki |
52023 |
Observations of Binary Protostellar Cores |
KURONO, Yasutaka |
52025 |
CO Mapping of NGC 5195 and its bridge |
NAKAI, Naomasa |
52027 |
Atomic Carbon in the Early Universe |
OOKA, Tomoharu |
number |
subject |
PI |
58001 |
Massive outflows associated with methanol sources |
Li Jingjing |
58002 |
Searching for inflow motions in high mass 'starless' cores (II) |
MAO, Rui-Qing |
58003 |
Origins of high energy erections in the galactic Center Arc |
TSUBOI, Masato |
58004 |
Giant Molecular Cloud in the Exterme outer Galaxy |
SAITO, Masao |
58005 |
Is the Larson-Penston Solution Valid for the Undergoing Collapse in GF 9-2 Core ? |
58006 |
Infall Motion in Starless Globules with Highly Unstable Density Structure |
58011 |
TInvestigate of the Dispersing Core the Intermediate-mass Protostars in OMC-2/3 |
58012 |
Investigation of Physical Properties of the OMC-2/3 region |
KAWABE, Ryohei |
58013 |
Toward Understanding Formation Process of CCS in Molecular Clouds |
58014 |
Origin of High Excitation Lines of H2CCCC Observed toward L1527 |
SAKAI, Nami |
58016 |
Detection of an Oxygen-chain molecule, HOOOH, in Interstellar Space |
SUMA, Kosuke |