Accepted Proposals(2011 Jan.-Apr.)

General program

number subject PI
101002 Reformation of Cold Molecular Disks in Merger Remnants Yun, Min Su
101003 Detailed Study of the Interface between the OMC 2/3Molecular Clouds and Tenuous Ambient Gas MOMOSE, Munetake
101005 Observations of the Symbiotic Star V407 Cyg after the 2010 March Nova Explosion with concurrent Gamma-ray emission DEGUCHI,Shuji
101009 A 3mm spectral scan of the LIRG NGC 4418 Costagliola, Francesco
101013 Dense gas studies of B0DEGA galaxies ESPADA, Daniel
101014 H13CO+ Observation toward the Star-Forming Regions near the End of the Galactic Bar OHISHI, Yukie
101015 Search for molecular gas in Barred Spiral Galaxies at z ~0.2. MATSUI, Kana
101016 Search for chemical evidence of interaction between molecular outflows and dense cores in the Orion A Molecular Cloud - 2/3 region SHIMAJIRI, Yoshito
101018 Monitoring Velocities of a Water Megamaser in an AGN NGC 5495 to Determine its Geometric Distance NAKAI, Naomasa
101020 Star Formation and Molecular Gas in the Outskirts of Early-Type Galaxies MEYER, Jennifer Donovan
101021 Phosphorous Chemistry in the Shocked Region, L1157 B1 YAMAGUCHI, Takahiro
101022 Nobeyama 45m - Suzaku joint observations of a giant are on V773 Tau at periastron passage TSUBOI, Yohko
101024 Statistical Studies on C4H in Dense Molecular Cloud Cores HIROTA, Tomoya
101025 Survey of Water Masers toward Very Young Planetary Nebulae TAFOYA, Daniel
101026 Deuterium Fractionation in Star Forming Regions SHIBATA, Daiki
101028 Millimeter Observations of Herbig Ae Stars by High Density and Ionization Tracers AKIYAMA, Eiji
101029 A Comlpete HCN(J=1-0) and HCO+ (J=1-0) Survey of the GOALS LIRG Sample YAMASHITA, Takuji
101031 The Whole Disk Mapping of a Spiral Galaxy M81 in CO MIYAMOTO, Yusuke
102005 Evolutionary Stage of the New Bright Source of Carbon-Chain Molecules, Lupus-1A Sakai, Nami
102006 The missing molecular gas in the Local Group dwarf elliptical NGC205 BAES Maarten
102007 N2H+ Observations of Starless Cores on the Brink Chitsazzadeh, Shadi
102008 Mapping Observations of Dense Clumps Associated with the Youngest Cluster Forming Region, Serpens South HIGUCHI, Aya
102011 Search for gaseous disk around 10 Myr-old stars in Beta-Pic Association at 31 pc Saito Masao
102012 A Survey for Selecting ALMA Gas Disk Observing Targets HAYASHI, Masahiko
102018 Identification of a New Molecule in L1527 Yamamoto, Satoshi
102019 Chemical Evolutionary Status of the Dense Cores associated with the First Core Candidates TAKAKUWA, Shigehisa
102020 Dense Gas Survey in the Nearest Quiescent GMC "Califor-nia Molecular Cloud" Ikeda, Norio
102021 An Origin of Widespread SiO Emissions in the Massive Clump of NGC2264C FURUYA, Ryuta
102025 Wide Field 12CO (1-0) and 13CO (1-0) Mapping Observations Toward the Extremely-Young Protocluster, Serpens South NAKAMURA, Fumitaka
102026 CO observation of "the Cap" of the starburst galaxy M82 SALAK Dragan
102027 Search for Birthplace of Massive Stellar Clusters in the Central Molecular Zone Oka Tomoharu

Education program

number subject PI
109503 Complete CO Imaging of the Central Molecular Zone MATSUMURA, Shinji

Backup program

number subject PI
BU105001 Time Variation of CH3OH Masers and its Relation to the Stages of Massive Star Formation FUJISAWA, Kenta
BU105002 Water Maser Survey in the Solar System TAKAHASHI, Shigeru
BU105003 Surveys of Molecular Absorption Lines toward Bright Radio Sources in Lower Frequency Bands. II. SORAI, Kazuo
