Accepted Proposals(2013 - 2014)

General program

number subject PI
CG131002 Flux Calibration and Quick Follow-up Observations of the Sgr A* in the 2014 Event Tsuboi, Masato
CG131003 The roles of molecular gas in the mass-metallicity relation TADAKI, Ken-ichi
CG131005 Dense Gas Formation in an Overlapping Region of Interacting Galaxies in Early Stage KANEKO, Hiroyuki
CG131008 Prestellar and protostellar cores in the Bok globule CB244 HIRANO, Naomi
CG131009 Probing the growth of IC 5146 by Filamentary accretion André, Philippe
CG131012 Formation and Non-thermal Desorption of Organic Molecules in the Cold Molecular Cloud: TMC-1 SOMA, Tatsuya
CG131014 Comparison of Chemical Compositions between Spiral Arm and Bar End in NGC 3627 WATANABE, Yoshimasa
CG131016 Study of Chemical Environments in the X-ray Dominant Regions around Ultra-luminous X-ray Sources EBISAWA, Ken
CG131019 Deep 86/96 GHz Band Mappings of the Energetic High-Velocity Compact Cloud OKA, Tomoharu
CG131021 Revealing the CO gas in Arp 272 HERRERA, Cinthya
CG131024 Spectroscopy of Sunspots at millimeter range IWAI, Kazumasa
CG131026 Dust-to-Gas Ratio of Massive Star-Forming Galaxies at z ∼ 1.5 SEKO, Akifumi
CG131027 The Effect of Molecular Gas on The Star Forming Distribution of LIRG Tateuchi, Ken
CG131030 Does Methylenimine Exist in Low-mass Star Forming Regions? SUZUKI, Taiki
CG131031 Molecular jet survey toward the dominant blue-shifted masers 2 Motogi, Kazuhito
CG131035 Spectral Line Survey Observation toward "comet of the century" C/2012 S1 (ISON) IINO, Takahiro
CG131037 12CO and 13CO observations of Molecular Clouds in the Extreme Outer Galaxy IZUMI, Natsuko
CG131039 A Detailed Study of Shock-Cloud Interaction in the Young Gamma-ray SNRs Cassiopeia A and Tycho SANO, Hidetoshi
CG131041 Sensitive HCO+ Mapping toward Supernova Remnant IC443-Unveiling Kinematics of Shocked Gas Seta, Masumichi
CG131045 Tracing Gas Kinematics and Chemistry of the Galactic Circumnuclear Disk TAKEKAWA, Shunya
CG132001 Detection of Molecular Gas in the Lyman Alpha Reference Sample PUSCHNIG, Johannes
CG132002 Quick Follow-up Observations of the Sgr A* in the 2014 Event Tsuboi, Masato
CG132003 Kinematic structure of a fragmenting filament JUVELA, Mika
CG132005 A CH3NH2 Survey towards High-mass Star Forming Regions OHISHI, Masatoshi
CG132007 Observation of N2D+ (1 - 0) in low-mass pre-stellar cores Bizzocchi Luca
CG132013 Formation mechanism of massive molecular complexes in mergers: NGC3395/6 HERRERA, Cinthya
CG132016 Investigating the chemistry of C3H2, C2H, & N2H+ in the Orion A GMC cores OHASHI, Satoshi
CG132017 Environmental Effects on Molecular Gas in Cluster Galaxies: CO(J=1-0) Observations of Galaxies in the Hercules Cluster UMEI, Michiko
CG132018 Variation of Deuterium Fractionation Ratios after Birth of Protostars SHIBATA, Daiki
CG132021 Deuterium Fractionation in a Normal Spiral Arm of M51 NISHIMURA, Yuri
CG132023 Ionization fraction of dense cores in Lupus KIYOKANE, Kazuhiro
CG132025 A detailed CO observation towards a γ-ray SNR W41; study of shocked molecular gas and γ-ray origin YOSHIIKE, Satoshi
CG132029 Observation of Dense Gas around AGN of Nearby Seyfert Galaxies MIYAMOTO, Yusuke
CG132030 NRO45m-Mopra-ASTE All-sky LIRG Survey; Investigating molecular gas affected by AGN/starbursts SAITO,Toshiki

Short program

number subject PI
SP138002 Chatacterising GMC-scale Chemistry in W3 Nishimura, Yuri
SP138006 Search for CO emission from the dwarf irregular galaxy Holmberg II Smirnova, Ksenia
SP138009 Flux Calibration Observations of the Sgr A* in the 2014 Event Tsuboi, Masato
SP138011 Continuing the Search for Molecular Gas in Star Forming Void Galaxies DAS, Mousumi
SP138012 Follow-up Spectral Line Survey toward Young High-Mass Protostar Candidate NGC 2264 CMM3 Watanabe, Yoshimasa
SP138014 A search for CO clouds in the outer disks of M 83. MOROKUMA, Kana
SP138015 Confirmation of Tentative Detection of DCO+ Toward the Galactic Center 50 km-1 Cloud TANAKA, Kunihiko
SP138017 The Phosphorus Chemistry in NGC 1333 IRAS 4A YAMAGUCHI, Takahiro
SP138022 Ionization Fraction in a Protoplanetary Disk AKIYAMA, Eiji
SP138023 A Detailed Study of Shock-Cloud Interaction in the Young Gamma-ray SNR Cassiopeia A (II) SANO, Hidetoshi
SP138025 Molecular Gas in a Buried AGN Discovered by Hard X-ray Surveys KOHNO, Kotaro
SP138026 Dense core formation in a filament of Taurus KIYOKANE, Kazuhiro

Backup program

number subject PI
BU135001 A gas temperature survey of massive star formating regions in the Milky Way Galaxy using NH3 emission lines II OMODAKA, Toshihiro
CG132006 Zero-spacing observation toward a triggered star-forming region M17SW for a statistical study of ammonia clumps ISHII, Shun
