Accepted Proposals(2018 - 2019)

Regular program

number subject PI
CG181002 Study of Variety of Cluster Formation Process in terms of Chemical Composition - Case of NGC 2264 - Kotomi Taniguchi
CG181003 Observations of the 13C Isotopic Fractionation of CCH toward L134N and L1521B Kotomi Taniguchi
CG181004 The molecular mass function of the HRS sample Paola Andreani
CG181007 Investigating Diffuse Molecular Gases in the Strongly Barred Galaxy NGC 1300 Fumiya Maeda
CG181008 A statistical study of massive clumps in the early stages of cluster formation Tomomi Shimoikura
CG181013 Dense molecular gas observations toward various SFE regions in COMING galaxies Shugo SHIBATA
CG181014 A complete H13CO+, N2H+, and N2D+ survey of dense cores in Taurus with the NRO 45m telescope Kazuki Tokuda
CG181015 3 mm-band Multi-line Imaging of the dwarf irregular IC 10 Yuri Nishimura
CG181017 Study on GMC formation by observing interarm gas entering into Sagittarius Arm Atsushi Nishimura
CG181018 Follow-up observation for FUGIN hot core candidates. II Kazuki Sato
CG182001 Survey Observations of Carbon-Chain Species, CH3OH and N2H+ toward Herbig Ae/Be Stars Kotomi Taniguchi
CG182002 A Search for Oxygen-Bearing Complex Organic Molecules in the L134N Starless Core Kotomi Taniguchi
CG182003 The Nearby Evolved Stars Survey (NESS): Large sampling of the 12CO/13CO line ratios of the cold circumstellar envelopes Peter Scicluna
CG182004 The CO(1-0)/13CO(1-0) ratio along the Hubble Sequence Baltasar Vila-Vilaroi
CG182007 Interstellar Stereochemistry: Observations of cis/trans Formic Acid Martin Cordiner
CG182009 Cloud structure, kinematics, and feedback in the L1641C cluster in Orion using the CARMA-NRO maps Hector Arce
CG182015 (Completion) Molecular Emission from Diffuse Gas: Molecular-cloud-scale Observation of Heiles' Cloud 2 Yuri Nishimura
CG182016 3 mm-band Multi-line Imaging of IC342 Yuki Yoshimura
CG182017 Establishing a reliable UV probe based on the deep multi-line observations for the Cygnus-X North Mitsuyoshi Yamagishi
CG182018 Observations of 3mm lines towards Shock Carbon Chain Chemistry region L1251-A Xunchuan Liu

Large program

number subject PI
LP187001 Complete Imaging of the Dense and Shocked Molecular Gas in the Galactic Central Molecular Zones Shunya Takekawa
LP177001 The onset of star formation in widely different environments Ken'ichi Tatematsu

Short program

number subject PI
SP188001 Detection of CH3NCO in Sagittarius B2(M) to Reveal Abundance Inflation of Pre-Biotic Molecule Yoshiaki Minami
SP189002 Tests for Hot Core Cyanopolyyne Chemistry Kotomi Taniguchi
SP189004 Completing the observation of infall motions in 27 IRDCs Jinjin Xie
SP189006 CO observation toward quasar behind the Milky Way Galaxy Yusuke Miyamoto

Backup program

number subject PI
BU185001 Spectral evolution of water and silicon monoxide masers in "water fountain" sources Hiroshi Imai
BU185002 NH3 mapping survey of dense molecular cores based on FUGIN CO survey III Takeru Murase
