Last Update: 05th Jul 2021

A Guide for Proposal Submission via Web

Applicants are requested to access the Application Form and to fill the web form and to upload necessary files (i.e., a PDF file of Scientific and Technical Justifications, excel files of frequency settings and co-I list). We recommend applicants to read Call for Proposals carefully. Any questions related to proposal submission should be sent to the Helpdesk.

Proposal Categories and Guidelines

There are two proposal categories for observations with the Nobeyama 45-m telescope at Nobeyama Radio Observatory: Regular Program and Guaranteed Time Observation (GTO). Observing proposals for Target of Opportunities (ToO) are open for Regular Program. Details of each program as follows:

Regular Program

Regular Program is a program requiring an observing time of less than 200 hours for this semester. Five anonymous external referees will evaluate the submitted proposals. The Scientific and Technical Justification is within three pages.

Guaranteed Time Observation (GTO)

Those who intend to submit proposals to Guaranteed Time Observation programs must satisfy one of the following requirements:

  1. Members of the development groups of the Nobeyama Development Proposal for the 45-m Telescope whose deliverable passes the acceptance review as the open-use instrument.
  2. Graduate students or postdocs who contribute to commissioning, management, performance improvement, or optimization of the Nobeyama 45-m telescope.

140 hours will be allocated to the GTO Program. The Scientific and Technical Justification should be within three pages.

ToO proposals should be used to observe targets that can be anticipated but not specified timing of the event. Like non-ToO proposals, these proposals must be submitted by the deadline. While the target list may be left unspecified, observing modes and sensitivity requests must be specified in detail for ToO observations. The proposal must include the following information:

  1. The number of triggers needed to reach the science goals of the proposal
  2. What triggers the actual observation to be performed
  3. The maximum response time for scheduling the observation after it is triggered.
The trigger is activated through the Helpdesk. These ToO programs apply to Regular Programs.

Table 1 shows deadlines of the Nobeyama 45-m proposal submission for 2021--2022 observing season.

Table 1: Deadlines of the Nobeyama 45-m Proposal Submission for 2021--2022 Observing Season
Semester Category Submission Deadline Observing Period
Semester 2021 Regular Program Wednesday 1st September 2021, 15:00JST [06:00UT] Wednesday 1st December 2021 -- Thursday 31st March 2022
Guaranteed Time Observations
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Preparation of Your Proposal

The proposal consists of two parts: one is Science and Technical Justifications, and the other is an Application Form. Here, how to prepare the two is explained.

Scientific and Technical Justifications

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The Application Form

The Application Form is available on the web. At every step applicants can save the input of the Application Form by clicking the button named "Save and Resume Later" at the bottom of the form. The input will be stored on the server for 30 days.

Notes on each item in the Application Form for proposals using the Nobeyama 45-m telescope

This web submission form is for proposal categories of Regular Program and Guaranteed Time Observation requiring the Nobeyama 45-m telescope.

Step 1
This step is to describe the categories of the proposal and information about the principal investigator.
Step 2
The second step is designed to describe a list of co-investigators and the abstract of the proposal.
Step 3
A brief overview of the proposed observation should be written in Step 3.
Step 4
In Step 4, please describe the required observing time, the LST slots, request for the daytime observation, suitable observing period, and the observing site.
The Last Page
The last page illustrates your input about the proposal. Please check carefully that the Application Form is correctly filled and described. If you need to share the input on the application form, please save/print out this page.

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Submission via the web can be made through the following procedure:
(1) Access and fill the Application Form:

(2) Append a PDF file of Scientific and Technical Justifications including time estimation part, excel files of frequency settings of pointing and observation, and Co-I list,
(3) And push a "Submission Form" button at the end of the Application Form.

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After Submission

We will send you automatically an e-mail that confirms the receipt of your proposal. If you do not receive it within 2--3 working days, please contact the Helpdesk.

Frequently Asked Questions

Questions and answers on submitting a proposal are described in this section.

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